RAMI Affiliation and Acknowledgment

Listing RAMI Affiliation:

Using the affiliation for RAMI if your work falls under any of RAMI's research areas helps the Institute and the University to track efforts and brings attention to the continued growth of work in advanced materials space at Rice. We would like to request support from RAMI members in listing RAMI as an affiliation in your publications, presentations, news coverages, and other relevant contexts.

Please find below the recommended affiliation lines:

  • Inline with your home department as in: Department of Chemistry and the Rice Advanced Materials Institute, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005 or
  • As a standalone line in addition to other affiliations as in: Rice Advanced Materials Institute, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005
Acknowledgment of RAMI support:

RAMI support should be acknowledged in publications, presentations and other relevant contexts if direct funding support is received from the institution in the form of postdoctoral fellowships, equipment grants, administrative support, workshop funding, student fellowships, etc.

Please include an acknowledgment line as follows:

  • For Postdoctoral support: [Fellow initials] acknowledges support from the Rice Advanced Materials Institute (RAMI) at Rice University as a RAMI Postdoctoral Fellow.
  • For equipment support this could be a standalone line, for example: "The authors acknowledge the use of facilities acquired through support of the Rice Advanced Materials Institute (RAMI)." Or as an addendum to the standard SEA acknowledgment, for example: "This work was done in part using resources acquired through the support of the Rice Advanced Materials Institute (RAMI) and managed by the Shared Equipment Authority at Rice University (https://research.rice.edu/sea/). We thank (specific SEA staff member(s)) for help with (specific instrument or techniques)."